Looking back, the Bailey Circus has finally chosen to phase out the iconic Barnum elephants in their shows. But what has become of these creatures now? Read on to learn more about the current state of circus elephants.
Public Opinion And Pressure To Phase Out Barnum Elephants
In the 21st century, public opinion and pressure to remove certain industries have grown exponentially. When it comes to elephants, public opinion has been shifting away from allowing them to be a part of the act. In 2020, the last great Barnum Elephant Show closed down due to increasing pressure from activist groups and animal rights organizations.
The outcry from these organizations began more than a decade prior when cities in Europe and North America started passing legislation that banned cruel performances from exotic creatures like elephants. As a result, countries like Thailand and India also began removing their own elephant shows over the last decade.
This public pressure has only been growing since then, leading to major companies like Ringling Brothers and the Barnum Circus completely pulling their elephant acts by 2023. The decision was met with considerable support from both activists and the general audience alike, with many calling it an important step towards more humane treatment of our fellow Earthlings.
Inhumane Treatment Of Elephants Revealed
The mistreatment of elephants has been a dark stain on our entertainment industry for decades. It all started when activists found video footage that showed an elephant in the Bailey Circus being beaten with sticks and whips.
After this horrific video was released, news about the cruel treatment of these poor beings spread quickly. People began to condemn how elephants were treated in captivity and how they were used as a tool for entertainment when it caused so much harm to the creatures themselves.
Inhumane Living Conditions
The biggest problem was that circus kept their elephants in cramped spaces or locked away in chains for hours. The lack of space and stimulation caused emotional distress, leading to psychological issues such as aggression, depression, and anxiety.
Elephants also suffered from physical ailments due to their improper diets and lack of exercise caused by their living conditions.
Abusive Training Practices
To make matters worse, circuses trained their elephants using abusive methods such as electric shock, beatings with bullhooks (metal rods with a sharpened point), or even starvation tactics. This kind of treatment only exacerbated the elephant’s physical or mental issues, making them even more miserable than before.
The abhorrent treatment of elephants finally reached a breaking point when activists exposed their cruelty and people started boycotting circuses en masse because they couldn’t stomach it. Thankfully, activists won out and now most circuses no longer feature elephant acts—all thanks to the brave activists who refused to let this cruelty continue unchecked!
Where Will The Remaining Elephants Go? Sanctuaries Or Zoos?
By 2023, the Barnum elephants have all been retired. And you might be wondering—where do they go now? Although some are sent to sanctuaries, many end up in zoos.
It’s a tricky and complex issue for the circus industry, elephant conservationists, and advocates. When housing retired elephants, the right choice depends on individual cases. Generally speaking, there are both advantages and disadvantages to both options:
The biggest benefit of sending elephants to sanctuaries is that they live much closer to their natural habitat, providing them with a more enriching lifestyle than a limited enclosure would allow. However, there can also be significant drawbacks: many sanctuaries lack the funds for proper care and involve long-distance transport, which can be traumatic for them.
These places generally provide enough funds and space for proper care and protection since teams of experts in zoology run them. However, there’s still a lack of natural stimulus which can lead to stress or poor mental health in elephants.
Additionally, due to limited space within indoor enclosures, physical activities may also be restricted — something that these large mammals need plenty of.
When you look at it closely, it’s not easy to decide which option is best for each elephant — after all, each elephant has their own needs and circumstances that must be considered when making such a crucial decision.
The Complex Debate Around Keeping Elephants In Captivity
By 2023, the iconic Bailey Circus elephants will have been retired and replaced with an elephant-free lineup. But this decision has brought up a complex debate. On the one hand, many people applaud the decision due to ethical concerns about keeping wild animals in captivity. But some argue that these establishments are important for preserving the species, especially in light of poaching and habitat loss.
They Are Crucial For Conservation
People have argued that zoos and sanctuaries are vital for preserving endangered species like elephants, as these organizations provide a safe environment for breeding and education programs about conservation. This is especially important considering that, according to the Great elephant census, the population of these creatures is decreasing now more than ever.
These facilities are also great places for conducting scientific research, which can provide valuable insights into their behavior.
Ethical Concerns With Captivity
On the other hand, there is a general dislike of keeping wild creatures in captivity for entertainment purposes, particularly when it’s apparent that it’s not in their best interests. People point to instances where these beings develop abnormal behaviors or suffer from poor health due to inadequate space and care—all a result of being taken out of their natural environment.
The debate is complex, but regardless, we need to protect these beautiful creatures in some way—now more than ever before, as poaching puts more pressure on elephant populations and their habitats decrease significantly due to human activities.
What are common health issues with captive elephants?
They can suffer from many clinical issues like low productivity and gastrointestinal problems.
What are shows which actively use elephants to this day?
There are around 17 circuses in the US that still use elephants.
How do I support elephant rescue?
You can do this by refusing to partake in any activity which uses them. Alternatively, you can get some animal rescue shirts and be more vocal about their plight.
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