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Dog Constipation Home Remedy: What to Give and What to Do

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Having a constipated dog can be a tricky situation. After all, we can’t ask our pets if they ate something they shouldn’t have or hadn’t had enough water. Instead, we must look for external cues like changes in behavior that may indicate the need for medical attention.

In this blog post, we’ll share how to tell if your dog struggles with constipation and help you determine the next step. We know this may be confusing to deal with at first, as it’s one of the unexpected parts of pet ownership. From understanding what it looks like to natural home remedies you can use to treat it, we got you and your dog covered!

Why Is My Dog Constipated?

No one likes being constipated, and neither do our four-legged friends! There are several contributing factors to dog constipation, ranging from blockages or an underlying medical condition to a sudden diet change or insufficient exercise. But the good news is that constipation is usually caused by something preventable or treatable.


A sudden change in diet can disrupt the digestive system and is the most common cause for a dog to become constipated. If your dog’s diet has recently changed, it could be the reason behind their current discomfort. Ensure you feed your dog high-quality foods (avoid too much canned food) and provide them with plenty of fresh water.

Activity Level

When was the last time your dog got any exercise? Just like us humans, dogs need regular exercise too! Exercise promotes healthy digestion and helps move stool through the digestive tract more efficiently. Make sure you take your dog on routine walks or playtime in the yardthey (and their bowels) will thank you!

Medical Problem

It’s also possible that there may be an underlying medical issue causing constipation in your dog. This could range from digestive tract issues to dietary sensitivitiesif your dog has consistent issues, it could be worth getting them checked out by a veterinarian.

There are about as many causes of constipation in dogs as there are types of pups out thereso if you’re still not sure why your dog might be having issues finding relief, please check with your vet to determine the best course of action for

Signs Your Dog May Be Suffering From Constipation

Sad corgi with a food bowl refusing to eat

It’s not like your dog can tell you, “Hey, my tummy is sore!” That’s why it’s essential to watch out for signs of constipation. If you think your furry friend may be constipated, there are a few telltale signs to watch out for:

  • Strained or prolonged time while trying to poop

  • Hard, small stools, or an inability to produce any stools at all

  • Unsuccessful attempts at pooping, such as standing in place for a long time without actually going to the bathroom

  • A decrease in appetite and/or energy levels

  • Noticeable discomfort when getting up, lying down, or moving around

  • Vocalizations of pain when trying to go

If your dog is exhibiting any of these, it could be experiencing constipationbut if you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to get him checked out by your vet. In the meantime, though, some natural dog constipation home remedies may help give relief and get him feeling better fast!

Dog Constipation Home Remedies

There are lots of easy at-home remedies to help your dog do his business. Just be sure to try one at a time and not overload your dog with too much, and talk to your vet if your pup’s digestive issues seem severe to rule out any other sort of problem.


Plain, canned pumpkin or homemade pumpkin dog treats are at the top of most people’s lists of pet constipation remedies. Pumpkin is high in fiber, and most dogs love the taste. Add it to their wet food, give it to them as a treat, or bake it into biscuits. Just make sure you’re buying 100% pumpkin puree and not pumpkin pie filling, as the latter has spices and sugar that may harm your dog.


You can buy bulk bran at the grocery store, mix it into your pup’s wet food, and bake treats with it. Experts recommend sticking to rice, oat, or wheat. And try soaking it in the broth first.

Brown Rice

Like bran, cooked brown rice is an excellent high-fiber add-in to your pup’s wet food. White rice can have the opposite effect, so stick to brown for constipation.

Fruits and Vegetables

Don’t forget about plain old fresh fruits and veggies . . . many kinds have a very high fiber and water content. Try carrots, green beans, peas, apples and unsweetened applesauce, and cantaloupe.

Fiber Supplements and Mineral Oil

Talk to your vet before moving from high-fiber foods to supplements or mineral oil. A little can go a long way, and you must ensure the type you choose is safe. Many pet owners will try adding powdered fiber like Metamucil to their dog’s wet food, and you can also put the mineral oil in their food.


White dog playing in park with owner

Last but not least, don’t forget to make sure your dog gets enough exercise. If your dog is a couch potato, a little extra exercise can help get the blood flowing to the intestines and generally help get things moving again.

Probiotics And Digestive Enzymes For Dog Constipation

If you thought there was only one way to combat constipation in your dog, think again! Probiotics and digestive enzymes combine to form a powerhouse duo that can help ease the discomfort of constipation and get things back on track.

Probiotics introduce good bacteria into your dog’s gut, helping break down food and aid digestion. Digestive enzymes, on the other hand, are nutrients that help speed up the breakdown of food so nutrients can be properly absorbed. Together, these two work harmoniously to promote regularity in your puppy!

When To See The Vet About Dog Constipation

Your dog’s constipation will typically resolve itself with some natural home remedies. But when do you know it’s time to visit the vet? If your dog still has no bowel movements within 48 to 72 hours, it’s time for a check-up. This could be a sign of something more serious like an obstruction, and your vet will be able to determine the best course of treatment.

Sometimes, prescription medications can help get things moving quickly if the problem doesn’t resolve after home remedies. Similarly, if your dog is having vomiting and diarrhea at the same time as constipation or appears to be in pain (excessive crying, panting, or licking), it’s worth a visit to the vet because these symptoms could signal something more serious.

Last but certainly not least, don’t forget about preventive measures like adding fiber to their diet and ensuring they’re always hydrated—this can go a long way towards keeping their digestive system healthy and helping them stay happy and healthy for life!

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it—if your dog produces fewer stools than usual, you could be dealing with constipation. Remember, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and take your dog to the vet if you are concerned.

In the meantime, know that you don’t need to be an expert to tell if something’s off with your dog. You know your best friend better than anyone and will be the first to spot any unusual behavior. Always look out for your furry friend so they stay happy and healthy!


Do you think your dog is constipated? Here are some frequently asked questions about constipation in dogs.

How do I know if my newborn puppy is constipated?

Sad puppy lying on gray blanket

It can be tricky to tell when puppies are constipated because they typically do not produce normal stools until a few weeks old. Watch your pup’s diet, ensure they get plenty of water, and look out for the symptoms we listed above. If there’s still no improvement, it’s best to call your veterinarian.

Can I give my dog laxatives?

A laxative should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. If the natural remedies recommended above didn’t work and your pooch is still constipated, get your pup checked by your vet. Also, note that you must never give human laxatives to dogs, as this can be potentially dangerous.

Does pet insurance cover constipation?

It depends on the policy and your insurance provider. Some companies offer plans that cover treatments for digestive issues like constipation, while others may not include it as part of their coverage. This could vary between providers, so check with your insurance company before purchasing a policy.

Will a high-fiber diet always treat or prevent constipation?

A high-fiber diet is often recommended to treat or prevent canine constipation. However, other factors can contribute to or worsen the condition too. If changing the diet does not help, especially in cases where food allergies or allergic reactions may be involved, talk to your veterinarian about alternative treatments.

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