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Autumn Pet Safety Tips: Being A Pet Parent During The Fall Season

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Pet parents know how important it is to keep their pets cool and hydrated in the hot summer months and protect them from cold temperatures and icy conditions in the winter, but what about the autumn months?

It is essential for us, pet parents, to keep our pets safe because autumn has its own unique set of challenges for our furry friends.

Pet Safety Tips During The Fall Season

1. Keep Pets Away From Back-To-School Supplies

If you have school-age kids, you probably are used to seeing all those new school supplies lying around the house. Just be sure to tell kids to keep certain things away from curious pets. Glue sticks, magic markers, crayons, and other art supplies like yarn can be a safety hazard for playful kitties and hungry puppies.

2. Reflective Collars And Leashes

The end of daylight savings time means that it will start getting dark for that late afternoon dog walks. Keep your pet safe by getting them a reflective collar or leash. Cats are safest indoors, but if you do let your cat outside, a reflective collar can be a life-saver at night.

3. Halloween Hazards

Two dogs in a Halloween costume

Sensitive pets may be frightened by all the doorbell ringing, excited kids, and extra activity associated with Halloween trick-or-treating. Keep them indoors, preferably in a quiet room away from the action.

Be sure to keep holiday treats or Halloween candy like chocolate and other candies away from inquisitive pets, as they can be highly toxic for them.

Small decorations could be choking hazards as well, so be sure to keep them displayed in areas away from your cat or dog’s reach.

4. Watch Out For Fleas And Ticks

Fleas and ticks can still be a problem for pets in the autumn. Protect your pet by keeping your routine of checking them for parasites when they come in from outside, and continue with the flea and tick prevention treatments recommended by your vet.

5. Mind The Rat Poison

It’s not uncommon for critters or pests to seek out the warmth of your home when we get cooler temperatures. Before you reach for that dangerous rodent poison, consider using other non-toxic and humane methods to keep rodents out of your house.

6. Beware of Antifreeze Poisoning

In order to prevent your furry friends from accidentally ingesting antifreeze, do an inspection around your car and any other machinery that may contain this dangerous liquid. If your pet does somehow get a hold of some antifreeze, bring them right away to the nearest veterinary clinic. In the meantime, try and save any evidence of antifreeze consumption in case it helps with treatment.

7. Be Cautious Of Mushrooms

Mushrooms can pop up everywhere during the fall season, and these can be toxic to pets. So it’s important to be aware of what your pet is munching on!

It doesn’t help that mushrooms can look quite tempting for dogs and cats to eat, but most varieties can cause severe reactions in animals. They may even lead to organ failure and even death, so it’s best to find out what kinds of mushrooms are in your area and keep an eye out for them.

8. Be On Alert For Venomous Critters

Snake rustling through autumn leaves

As the days get shorter and the nights get chillier, it’s time to be extra vigilant about creatures that may be out and about. From snakes to spiders, autumn can bring with it some unwelcome visitors. So if you’re venturing out with your pet, keep your eyes peeled and know what to do if you do come across a venomous critter.

For starters, you should:

  • Learn how to identify potential threats. Snakes, in particular, tend to be notorious for sneaking up on unsuspecting folks, so familiarize yourself with venomous species and how to spot them in your area.

  • Make sure your pet is properly vaccinated. Keeping up with shots is essential for any pet owner—it will give them the best possible chance at fighting off any nasty bug or bite.

  • Watch their behavior closely. If you think your pet has been bitten, look out for signs like excessive drooling or twitching, as they are common indicators of a venomous bite.

Ultimately, safety comes first! Being aware of autumn’s critter scene is paramount when it comes to keeping your beloved furry friend safe and healthy during this time of year.

9. Take Note Of Health Changes

A change of season from summer to fall could trigger certain health conditions, such as creaky joints due to cold temperatures and skin irritation, and breathing problems from seasonal allergies.

Let the winter coat of your furry friend grow back, too, if you got it shaved during summer. They’ll need it for when the temperatures drop, especially during the winter holidays. Protect your pet’s paws by providing them booties so you can keep them safe and warm.

Talk to your veterinarian immediately if you have any concerns about changes in your pet’s health or behavior.

Autumn Seasonal Hazard FAQs

Can the autumn season affect my pet’s diet?

Yes! Cold winter months call for increased caloric intake to help your pet generate more body heat and resist the chill. Make sure to get advice from a vet and, if necessary, adjust your pet’s diet accordingly.

How do I keep my pets safe during Halloween?

Unless your pet loves dressing up in costume, it might be best to keep them away from all the trick-or-treating action. That goes for fireworks too! The loud noise will startle any animal, so it’s always best to check local fireworks show times and plan ahead.

How do I keep my dogs from eating mushrooms or molds during the fall season?

Some mushrooms can look harmless but can make your pup very sick, so make the extra effort to keep an eye on what they’re sniffing out in the park or backyard. The same goes for moldy leaves, which can be toxic too—so make sure their play area is always clean and clear!

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