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All About Cute Old English Sheepdogs

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If there’s one thing that is true about Old English Sheepdogs, it’s that they’re adorable beyond belief. From their furry coats to their soulful eyes, these pups have a unique charm that will captivate anyone and everyone they meet. This article will be your ultimate guide to everything you need to know about the beloved Old English Sheepdog.

History Of The Old English Sheepdog

If you’re an OES enthusiast, then congrats on your excellent taste. But even if you’re not yet an owner, there are still plenty of reasons why these wooly bundles can make a great addition to your family.

So, why Old English Sheepdogs? Well, they’ve been around since the 1800s, when they were used to drive livestock to markets. They were the working dog staples for centuries, and eventually, their unique look—think long white coats; big, soulful eyes; and cartoon-like mops above their heads—caused them to become companion dogs too.

These days, these sheepdogs have left the pastures for city streets. They’ve come to recognize their true calling: bringing joy to people who appreciate ’em. The result? High-spirited pups with enough fur to keep them warm in the coldest months of winter.

Physical Traits

The Old English Sheepdog is quite the character—a big, fluffy teddy bear of a dog that will make you feel like you’ve adopted your personal walking rug! If you ever want to sit and watch TV, they’ll plop beside you like it’s no big deal.

When it comes to looks, your Old English Sheepdog can come in a range of colors—from dark gray and black to silver-tipped white. But whatever color they come in, they’ll always have those distinctive shaggy coats. The effect? A perpetually happy-go-lucky pup that looks almost cartoonish in its cuteness!

Oh, and did we mention the tufts of hair between their toes? From head to toe, these dogs look like a cuddly cloud of softness! No matter what season it is, their coats are always ready for snuggling up with—comforting you on cold winter days or keeping you cool during summertime heat waves.

Unique Personality

Gray Old English Sheepdog standing on grass

They have a fun-loving personality, but don’t let the Old English Sheepdog’s charm fool you—they’ve got brains too. These dogs are particularly independent and can be quite cunning, often leading to an amusing combination of smarts and cuteness that’s hard to ignore!

The OES breed is highly trainable and responsive, so if you want them to pick up a new trick or two, they’ll be more than happy to try. Just be prepared for some independent decision-making here and there; after all, these fluffy creatures thrive on being able to think for themselves.

These dogs also love nothing more than snuggles with their favorite humans! Not only will they follow you around like obedient puppies, but they also enjoy long games of fetch or any other interactive activity that enables them to flex their mental muscles.

In addition, these furry friends make the perfect companionship during walks or hikes—despite their size and fluffy coats — because they have an impressive sense of direction and zealously protect their family without being overly aggressive. After all, what else do you need in an adventure buddy?

Training And Grooming Requirements

Old English Sheepdog looking up

But before you bring an OES home, you should know a few things about his grooming and training requirements.

First off, let’s talk fur. The Old English Sheepdog has a double coat of fur—which makes them look extra cuddly—but this also means they need regular brushing and care. Otherwise, their hair is like tangle-prone dreadlocks in human form, so don’t let it get out of control!

But it’s not all about the fur—Old English Sheepdogs need obedience training and socialization too. Fortunately for us humans, this breed is quick to learn new tricks and loves pleasing their people, so it won’t take long for them to get used to commands.

When it comes to training your pup, consistency is key. And with a bit of patience and effort, you’ll be rewarded with an obedient companion who gets along with just about everyone (perhaps even cats). So, in short—don’t underestimate the power of grooming and training when it comes to these adorable pooches!

Typical Health Issues Of An Old English Sheepdog

Old English Sheepdogs aren’t just fluffy bundles of joy. They’re also a lot of responsibility. And since they’re so adorable, you’ll want to make sure you know exactly what you’re getting into if you decide to add one to your family—including the health issues that come along with owning an Old English Sheepdog.

Of course, every dog is an individual, but some of the more common issues that affect Old English Sheepdogs include:

Skin Conditions

Old English Sheepdogs are prone to skin conditions like dermatitis and sebaceous adenitis—a skin disease that can be exacerbated by poor nutrition. Over time, these conditions can cause inflammation and flaky, dry skin.

Hip Dysplasia

Malformed hip joints or loose ligaments cause this condition and can result in lameness or arthritis in severe cases. Fortunately, it’s becoming increasingly rare, with breeders now doing genetic testing before breeding their dogs.

Eye Issues

Unfortunately, Old English Sheepdogs are prone to a few eye conditions like progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and cataracts. Regular eye exams by your vet should help catch these problems early and get treatment started right away.

By knowing about these typical health issues common in Old English Sheepdogs, you’ll be better prepared to take care of your pup so he or she can live a long and happy life!

Bringing Home A Cute Old English Sheepdog

So, you’re dreaming of bringing an Old English Sheepdog into your home. These sweet and goofy dogs can be your best bud in no time flat, with a little help from you and some useful dog-owner life hacks, of course!


Yes, you’re going to have to do some training—but don’t worry, it’s totally doable. All that energy needs to go somewhere, and without proper training from day one, it could end up going in the wrong direction. Teach your pup how to behave and follow basic commands—sit, stay, come—and you’ll have a pup who listens and loves to be around when it matters most.


Ah yes, the iconic fluffiness of the Old English Sheepdog! With that comes grooming—lots of it! Brushing is essential for keeping their coat looking good and healthy (not to mention less shedding around the house!). Be prepared for lots of scissors, too, as those hair trims will come in handy when it comes time for summertime outdoor adventures.


The Old English Sheepdog is built for activity and has plenty of energy, so make sure they get plenty of daily exercises! Taking them on long walks or hikes is always a great way to keep them stimulated and happy while also giving them a chance to show off their superior strength and intelligence. In addition, playtime is also important for this breed as they love to play fetch or tug-of-war—it’s all about having fun with your pup!

If you need more convincing, here are ten reasons why you’d love to see or even adopt this dog breed:

1. We love their adorable black button noses . . .

Old English Sheepdog nose

The Wet Nose by Sam-Cat (Flickr)

2. And their cute fuzzy butts.

Old English Sheepdog cute butt

DSCN0745 by Jena Fuller (Flickr)

3. We love them when they’re fluffy . . .

Old English Sheepdog lying down

2013 Royal Melbourne Show by Chris Phutully (Flickr)

4. And we love them when they’re shaved, too.

Shaved Old English Sheepdog lying on porch

Mutton Bear by Betsy Weber (Flickr)

5. We love them when they’re playful . . .

Running and panting Old English Sheepdog

Shaggy Dog running by Sheila Sund (Flickr)

6. And also when they’re a little tired.

Tired and sleepy Old English Sheepdog

So tired by Daisyree Bakker (Flickr)

7. They’re just as loveable when they could use a bath . . .

Dusty Old English Sheepdog

lady, my beloved dog by sophie (Flickr)

8. As when they’re groomed for the dog show.

Groomed Old English Sheepdog

DSCN0744 by Jena Fuller (Flickr)

9. Did we mention that they’re cute when they’re puppies?

Old English Sheepdog puppy

Good Boy by Norlando Pobre (Flickr)

10. We mean, like, really cute when they’re puppies!

White Old English Sheepdog puppy

Old English Sheepdog Puppy by David Martyn Hunt (Flickr)


Are Old English Sheepdogs aggressive?

No worries! OESs are gentle giants and shouldn’t be considered dangerous. However, they require consistent training from an early age to ensure that they know their boundaries and can interact safely with other animals and humans.

What’s the ideal home for an Old English Sheepdog?

This breed loves the outdoors and needs plenty of room to stretch its legs, so a house with a yard or access to nearby parks would be perfect for them. OESs can get lonely if left alone for too long, so it’s best if there’s always someone around as much as possible.

How long do old English sheepdogs live?

Old English Sheepdogs can live between 10-12 years—just long enough for us to cuddle them all day, every day!

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