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Want, Need, Must Have: Tiny, Adorable Desk Weasel

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Work gets boring, sitting at your desk and staring at your computer all day. Fortunately, YouTube user Frisco68 has his teeny tiny desk weasel like Ozzy to keep him company. This adorable little rescue weasel may be small, but his energy level is gigantic. Imagine trying to get some work done with this squirmy guy around!

Thinking about getting a pet weasel? Hol’ up! Here are 15 things you need to know before getting one.

More Of Ozzy, The Adorable Desk Weasel

Bonus video . . . Ozzy’s war dance. Just when you thought you couldn’t handle any more weasel cuteness, here’s Ozzy launching kamikaze attacks on an unsuspecting stuffed toy.

Smart, Sleek, And Speedy Hunters

Weasels like Ozzy are pretty remarkable critters. For starters, they’re alarmingly cute. There’s something about their big eyes and fuzzy fur that makes you want to hug them. Aww!

On the surface, they may seem like mild-mannered kinds of creatures, but behind their adorable exterior lurks an intelligent hunter. Weasels are highly adaptable and incredibly stealthy; they can squeeze into tight spaces (think: nooks and crannies in a wall or gaps between rocks) to surprise unsuspecting prey. Plus, their lightweight bodies and tiny feet allow them to move quickly – weaving in and out of hiding places as they search for food.

Of course, if being smart and fast weren’t enough, weasels also boast another important trait: an extra-sleek coat that helps keep them warm in cold climates. Talk about having it all! All in all, these furry creatures may be small – but boy, can they pack a punch when taking down unsuspecting prey!

Is It Legal To Keep Weasels As Pets?

You may ask yourself, “Is it legal to keep a weasel as a pet?” Well, the answer largely depends on your location. In some states, possessing any wild animal without a permit is illegal. Others allow native species to be kept as pets with a permit, while others still have outright prohibitions against possessing any wild animal—even those native to the state.

Weasel peaking from under a wooden platform

So if you’re considering adopting a weasel, ensure you’ve done your homework first. That means checking the laws in your area and securing any required permits before bringing home your furry friend.

Of course, it’s important to note that wild animals are not like cats and dogs; they require specialized care and attention from experienced owners who understand their needs. So before committing to a life with a pet weasel, research how to care for one first!


Is Ozzy still alive?

Sadly, Ozzy has already long passed away. Weasels generally live only up to two years, but rest assured that Ozzy lived a full and happy life!

What is the difference between a weasel and a ferret?

Physically, ferrets are usually larger than weasels and have shorter tails. Weasels are typically brownish-red in color, while ferrets come in various colors. Behaviorally, weasels tend to be more aggressive and more prone to biting, while ferrets are gentler and more domesticated.

Where can I buy a pet weasel?

We don’t recommend trying to buy or keep a pet weasel due to its unpredictable behavior and potential for biting. Weasels are also wild animals that would thrive better out in nature. Ozzy was merely a special case as he was a rescue animal. If you want to keep a small pet, we can suggest adopting a rat or mouse!

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