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Dogs And Toddlers: Keep The Peace With These Dog Training Tips

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If you’re living in a house with dogs and toddlers, then dog training is a necessary precaution to keep the peace between them. We’ll explore in this article various ways to teach your dog proper behavior to keep your toddler safe.

Practice Handling Your Dog To Teach Your Toddler

When it comes to interacting with toddlers, having your dog trained and under control is essential. Training your dog the commands “Leave It” and “Stay” will help them learn the boundaries of their interactions with your little one.

Whenever you give your dog a command, using “Leave It” for objects and “Stay” for movement will be helpful. For example, when your toddler is playing with their toys or food, you can teach your dog to stay away from them by simply saying “Leave It” as soon as they approach.

Likewise, if you need to leave the room for a bit, telling them to stay will help ensure they don’t follow you or, even worse, jump on the toddler in excitement.

These two commands are great for all sorts of situations, so remember to use them whenever necessary and reward them when they comply. Doing this repeatedly in a positive way will make sure that both your toddler and pooch interact calmly and happily together!

Keep Your Dog Well-Fed and Exercised

Todder training a dog with exercise

A well-fed and exercised dog is a content and peaceful one. This can make a difference when dogs and toddlers are together in the same space. An active and hungry dog is likelier to exhibit behavioral issues like barking, growling, or even becoming aggressive.

In addition to regular meals at mealtime, you can also give your dog treats. This can be used as a reward when your dog responds positively to a command or behavior that you’ve taught them.

Take your dog for regular walks or jogs for quality exercise. Just be sure to provide them with plenty of fresh water before and after.

In addition to feeding your furry pal regularly and exercising them, consider enrolling them in training classes if they’re not yet fully trained. This will ensure that they learn commands such as “sit”, “stay”, “leave it,” and “down.”

Classes can also help keep their minds active and alert while allowing them to socialize with children and adults alike. Social enrichment is necessary for your furry friend’s healthy development.

Give Your Dog Alone Time

Sometimes having a toddler and a dog in the same house can make it feel like you’re raising two wild animals, so it’s important to create boundaries for both to keep the peace. For dogs, that means having their own dedicated space where they can go whenever they want—like their own bed, some toys, and possibly even a crate.

This separate space will allow your dog to relax and reset when things get overwhelming. It’s also great for toddlers because it helps them understand that not all areas in the house are theirs. That way, they won’t be tempted to bother your dog while trying to take a nap or get away from all the energy of playtime.

Plus, if you’re able to reward your dog with treats when they go into their space on command, you’re helping foster positive behavior that makes coexisting with your toddler even easier.

Make sure that any toys or treats in their special area are safe for them and secure so that nothing can be swallowed or chewed up by accident.
Let your dog explore their space before introducing a toddler into their area or giving them commands because this will help make your dog more comfortable in their room over time.

Give lots of praise and rewards like small treats whenever your pup goes into their area on command—this can help reinforce positive behaviors and make this setup even better for everyone involved!

Is It Safe To Leave Your Toddler And Dog Unattended?

Toddler hugging his dog on a couch

It’s understandable if you’re a bit nervous about having a toddler and a dog living together in the same home. But, with just a few easy steps, you can ensure your toddler and dog stay safe and happy.

The number one tip is to always supervise your toddler when playing with your dog. Don’t just know where your child is—pay attention to how they interact with the dog. Teach them to pet the dog gently on the chest or head rather than pulling on their fur or tail.

It’s also helpful to teach your child appropriate behavior around dogs. If they want to give a treat to their furry friend, show them how to hold it out flat so that the dog doesn’t get too excited (and accidentally bite).

Teach them the right approach to the pup, like no running or screaming. You should help them understand why they should never disturb a sleeping animal.

And don’t forget to train your family dog so both parties have an enjoyable time. Ensure your pup has all their basic commands down, like sit, stay, come, and leave it (so they don’t beg for food from your toddler’s hand).

That way, if either party gets too excited during playtime, you can quickly distance them by having the dog obey an instruction like “sit.”

Dog Training With Gentle And Respectful Behavior

It’s important that your dog learns to interact with toddlers in a respectful way. That means modeling the behavior you want them to adopt. When your toddler is interacting with your dog, make sure you demonstrate appropriate behaviors so that your dog knows what you expect from them.

For example, show your dog how to be gentle during interactions with your toddler. This includes teaching them not to jump or bark and rewarding them for sitting calmly.

You can also set boundaries about which parts of the body your toddler can pet and where they can’t. For instance, if the top of the head is off-limits, they must put it near their collar instead.

This can help prevent accidental nips or bites while teaching your pup how to remain calm when interacting with toddlers.

Finally, reinforce good behavior by praising and providing treats when they act appropriately around toddlers and avoid yelling or being too forceful when correcting bad behavior. Instead, use positive reinforcement techniques focusing on praise and rewards rather than punishment.

Support your adorable fur friends by checking out our collection of cute dog shirts. A fourth of our proceeds are donated to no-kill animal shelters.

Common Questions About Dogs And Toddlers

Are dogs good for toddlers?

Some breeds, such as Golden Retrievers and Labradors, are better with kids than others. Still, parental supervision remains advised.

Do dogs and babies get along?

Some dogs and babies get along very well, although supervision should be maintained for both their safety.

Can dogs get toddlers sick?

Like many other animals, dogs can carry some bacteria on themselves, which they can pass through kids via contact. You can prevent this by practicing good hygiene on your pets and teaching your toddler clean habits.

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