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Posts published in May 2024
What happens when a couple of adorable baby foxes wander into your backyard and find your dog's ball? If you're like these two cute guys, you discover that there's nothing more fun than playing with a dog toy. Fox Playing With Dog Toy Watch as these fox kits practice their pouncing skills with a ball. [...]
If you're a fan of cosmetics, then you've probably wondered this question yourself, is Too Faced cruelty free? Learn more about completely cruelty-free makeup and vegan brands in this article. We'll show you that vegan products can be done without a test on animals! Is Too Faced Cruelty Free? Status in 2024 So you're wondering [...]
You and your pup are excited to get outside and enjoy the warm weather this spring. But along with all the nice green grass, colorful flowers, and sunny weather, spring also means the return of lots of little critters like bees, wasps, fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks . . . just waiting to latch onto your [...]
Wondering if your beloved pooch is dealing with more than just an itch? Hot spots, or acute moist dermatitis, are irritable patches that pop up on your dog's skin, causing them distress. They can leave your canine companion feeling uncomfortable and, quite honestly, miserable. But worry not; from signs and symptoms to causes, and from [...]
A cat’s meow may not be as loud as a dog’s bark, but these funny cats can say plenty when they feel like it. Here is a YouTube video of talking cats, along with a few other funny compilations. The Two Talking Cats With over 59 million YouTube views and counting, Stina and Mossy are [...]
The City of Montreal in Canada passed a pitbull ban last October 2016 after a mauling incident that resulted in a tragic death. Any dog in the city shelters identified as a pit bull couldn't get adopted. In other words, these innocent dogs were in danger of being euthanized. The Montreal SPCA worked hard to [...]
So, you've finally decided to embrace the fall spirit by wearing funny dog shirts and baking a batch of pumpkin treats for your furry friend. After all, Fido deserves to indulge in the seasonal flavors as much as the next Instagram influencer. Before you know it, you're elbow-deep in a bowl of mushy pumpkin guts, [...]