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Posts published in April 2024

Cute Pomeranian Pictures: Browse Pomeranian Puppy Images And More!

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We know that all dogs are beautiful, but it is hard to deny the particular charm of the adorable Pomeranian. Pomeranians just have that certain something that makes you go aww. It’s the perfect combination of tiny size, major fluff, perky face, and that famous Pom attitude. Enjoy these cute Pomeranian pictures! Find Some Cute [...]

Nat Geo Big Cats Initiative: Big Cat Conservation For Wildlife

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The Nat Geo Big Cats Initiative is up and running, and it's time we learn more about this amazing program! Learn more about how National Geographic seeks to protect big cats such as lions and tigers from all around the world. Support and involve yourself with these innovative big cat conservation projects now! National Geographic [...]

The Unexpected Cost Of Pet Ownership

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Thinking of adding a dog or cat to your family? Or maybe you want to get a rabbit and a chicken? Owning a pet means taking on all the responsibilities of caring for it, including financial costs. All new pet owners should be prepared for the unanticipated costs of pet ownership, such as medical emergencies, [...]