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8 Videos of Unlikely Animal Friends

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It’s a common line of thinking that animals of different species don’t interact well with each other. However, the right environment and proper introductions (especially at a young age) can make way for unlikely animal friendships! Watch these heartwarming YouTube videos and tell us what you think!

1. Elephant And Dog

We dare you not to cry when you see this story about Tarra, an elephant totally devoted to her best friend, Bella.

2. Kitty And Lizard

Meet Puppet and Puff. This kitty and bearded dragon have a little lovefest going on.

3. Dogs And Polar Bears

These arctic sled pooches are excited to get regular visits from some very friendly polar bears.

4. Fluffy Chicken And Two-Legged Chihuahua

Penny, a fluffy chicken rescued from a research facility, and Roo, a Chihuahua with deformed front legs found abandoned in a ditch, have become inseparable pals.

5. Bird And Cat

This little bird named U-chan is determined to wake up his sleepy kitty friend Chama.

6. Dog And Deer

The adorable deer, Buttons, brings her babies to meet her best friend!

7. Husky Gets Trolled

Watch as the gentle husky Buck tries to fend off his tenacious feline buddy, Penny.

8. Unlikely Trio

Here’s a lovely clip of three pals (a tiger, a lion, and a bear) co-existing in harmony.

If you want more cute YouTube videos, check out our compilation of clips showing how cats and bearded dragons can be buddies! Or you can also scream out loud your love to your feline buddy by checking out some of our cat-lover apparel!

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