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Posts published in March 2024

Why Rabbits Are Great as Pets: Overview of Owning a Pet Rabbit

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I know when we start to imagine those perfect pet scenarios, our minds might automatically hop towards the usual suspects—dogs, cats, maybe even a goldfish or two. But let me steer you in a different direction today. Let's take a leap down a less-conventional pet-owning rabbit hole and talk about the humbly impressive, quietly lovable, [...]

Mutual Rescue: How Adopting a Homeless Pet or Shelter Dog Can Save Us

fermershop 0

Ever heard about Mutual Rescue? It's an innovative concept that proves when we extend our hearts to rescue animals, they rescue us right back! It's deeply rooted in the symbiotic relationship between humans and animals—a relationship that is incredibly heartwarming and inspiring. In this article, we'll explore Mutual Rescue's mission, real-life stories, and how we [...]

Cute Overload: The San Diego Humane Society Kitten Nursery

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No one can resist the adorable charm of a kitten - their whimsical antics, tiny mews, and their astonishing capacity for both chaos and cuddles. Sadly, thousands of these furry miracles face abandonment each year. Thankfully, some organizations dedicate their resources to ensure these felines encounter loving hands and a safe haven, a notable one being [...]

8 Videos of Unlikely Animal Friends

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It's a common line of thinking that animals of different species don't interact well with each other. However, the right environment and proper introductions (especially at a young age) can make way for unlikely animal friendships! Watch these heartwarming YouTube videos and tell us what you think! 1. Elephant And Dog We dare you not [...]

Dog Proof Yard Ideas: Tips To Create Dog-Friendly Backyard And Landscape

fermershop 0

Creating an inviting landscape is easy enough for humans, but what about your dog? Learn about dog-friendly landscaping with these dog proof yard ideas. Make running around your lawn a fun time for your pup by creating a dog-friendly backyard. What Makes A Dog Proof Yard When it comes to designing a yard that is [...]