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Backyard Playtime For 4 Cute Baby Foxes!

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Photographer Kenneth Chan caught a family of 4 adorable baby gray foxes having a nighttime play session in his backyard. But this is no ordinary shaky cell phone video. Chan is a talented multimedia artist who created a gorgeous video of these little guys in action. You can also check out more of his very cute animal videos on the baby animals playlist of his YouTube channel!

Do Foxes Form Social Groupings?

Believe it or not, foxes do form social groups. Not the same kind we humans have, sure—but packs of their own variety based on family units and hierarchies. These groups live together and groom each other to show affection.

If you ever watch a few foxes interacting, you’ll be surprised to see how intelligent and supportive these families can be! They also love to play with each other as a way to bond and build trust between members of the group.

Creating A Backyard Habitat For Cute Baby Foxes

So you want to create a backyard habitat for wild baby foxes—especially after seeing that adorable YouTube video? Well, you’ll need to understand some basic things about these furry critters first. That means learning about these little kits’ food sources, shelter and denning habits, and predators.

Here are some key things you should consider to create a backyard that’s gonna be hard to resist for wild baby foxes:

  1. Food Aplenty – Baby foxes usually eat small rodents, insects, fruits, and berries. So it’s important to provide a lot of sources of these foods in your backyard habitat. Also, be sure to include extra food like dog or cat food in case they run out of fresh stuff.

  2. Home Sweet Home – Although baby foxes mainly like spending time outdoors exploring and playing with other kits in their family group, they still need a secure denning area where they can spend undisturbed time sleeping and nursing when needed. You can provide this by creating a hollow log or underground burrow for them with soft bedding materials like hay or leaves.

Finding A Baby Fox In The Wild

Wild baby fox in a grassy den

Yes, we’re aware of how cuteness basically oozes out of a baby fox. It doesn’t even help that they seem like such unique pets to have. It’s not hard to guess why many people think keeping them inside their homes is a great idea. However, remember that foxes are meant to be in the wild. They’re not meant to be domesticated and, in fact, it’s illegal to own them in many US states.

While domestic foxes do exist, they’ve been bred specifically for those purposes and require special care and training to get used to living with humans. Wild baby foxes are no different — they’re still wild and will eventually become unpredictable critters. So if you come across a group of baby foxes in your yard as Kenneth did, just stick to admiring these fascinating creatures from afar.


What do baby foxes eat?

Baby foxes typically live in dens, where their parents hunt and provide food. The food they usually get is small mammals like mice, voles, rabbits, and shrews. Their parents also bring them fruits, plants, and insects.

Do baby foxes have teeth?

Yes! Although fox cubs are not born with teeth, they soon develop their “milk teeth” a few weeks after being born.

What is a baby fox called?

A baby fox is usually called a kit, although they can also sometimes be called cubs or pups.

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